Monday, August 24, 2009

Weekend Entertainment

Being the recluse I am, I spent this weekend seeking entertainment on YouTube yet again. Being the lazy person I am, I refused to run out to my car to grab The Kinks Are the Village Green Preservation Society and just looked up my favorite songs on the interweb.

Now, let me just warn you, (are you sitting down??) that this wonderful Kinks album may just be THE BEST concept album ever. It's truly great. It's something to strive for, even though it's utterly unattainable by any other artist. Seriously. Elements of humor and sarcasm (found on the track The Village Green Preservation Society where Ray Davies touts "God save Donald Duck" and different jam varieties) as well as emotions of longing while reminiscing over the past (like the track Do You Remember Walter; "I knew you then/ But do I know you now?") are pepperred throughout the album. It's an album where people in the present (the present being 1968) remember times that are long gone-- the good old days. The track I sought out first, however, was Big Sky.

This song packs a punch even though it barely plays for 3 minutes. However, it keeps you captivated from the first few notes of 60's-intro-greatness to the positive reassurance given at the last "Don't let it get you down!" chorus. It might be the most philosophical track of the album, making you wonder whether God doesn't exist or if the existing God just doesn't care.

Then, after you're done figuring out what you believe in, go listen to Phenomenal Cat. It may just seem like a joke upon first listen, but there is some brilliant poetry on the inside.

I'm just kidding; it's about a cat that is fat. Could be a Dr. Seuss poem.

So there you have it; the greatness of this album in all its YouTube glory. What? You're saying you want hits? You don't like these random songs you've never heard in your life? Doesn't do for you what The Beatles did? Here, take your stupid Picture Book, and like it!

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