Monday, August 17, 2009

Day 2

I've returned; maybe this place will take hold of me after all. I don't really know what to do- I don't even know what I'm doing. But it's all become satisfying, so perhaps I'll keep it up.

Blogging might also become a good time-slayer for when I don't want to fall asleep (which is 24/7), so here I am, at 3 in the morning, getting out thoughts. The thing is, I'm tired as a racehorse (after a race, surely). I just can't seem to bring myself up to bed.

The media of the internet is usually what captures me. Tonight, I played with Youtube, which resides in my top 3 list of internet media. I wonder how many videos Youtube can actually provide- millions? billions? trillions? But I digress; no matter how many videos exist, I found what I was looking for tonight.

Recently, I've been listening to Fleet Foxes, ever since I discovered their debut album around December (?) of last year. Since, I've pretty much spiraled into Fleet Foxes addiction, though I go through this with much of the music I listen to. Anyway, I've done my research, and was once directed to this gem of a myspace from the Foxes' own page. It is what I assume to be Robin Pecknold's (Fox frontman) solo work, though his "False Knight On the Road" appeared on Fleet Foxes' "Mykonos" single. But to get to the point, I was on this site, listening to "Silver Dagger."

The cover doesn't disappoint. I can argue this because I must have listened to the song five times; after I got restless with the myspace page I ventured to youtube to prod this song around some more. It was there that I found this, the very same song but with a smashing photo of Robin included.

It wasn't till I was directed to this next video that I became so so excited.
Yes, that is live footage of the cover! It was a great find of a pretty recent show on 7.11.09 where a copious amount of covers were experimented with and OLD SONGS were played (Icicle Tusk!!). I could have watched the whole concert (I likely will at some point) but instead I clicked on yet another video on the right side of the page: the famous Joan Baez version, in all its glory.

Joan Baez:
This was the first video I watched; there are no pictures, only lyrics included, but with Joan's melodic heaven you don't really need anything else to distract you.
Then I travelled here:
This is a great live version of, again, "Silver Dagger." Different key, different feel, though I was seriously envying her amazing voice yet again. How can a person achieve that perfection while performing live? I cannot answer this.

We are rounding out my internet adventure now; only one last video to run through. I clicked on it because Bob Dylan's face was the thumbnail (Bob Dylan and Joan Baez videos seem to be eternally associated, naturally) and it turned out to be yet another live Joan Baez version, the one off Bob Dylan's "Live" 1964 album:
Bob does no singing though he accompanies a soulful Joan on a mean harmonica; the effect on the ears made me, a musician, feel incapable of achieving any remarkable contributions to music at all. But that's why Dylan and Baez are greats.

So that pretty much ends my Youtube joyride. I hope you enjoyed the six links to the same song (it kept me occupied for an hour or so). Good night now. I will be sleeping- alone, I've decided, after getting those six identical warnings.

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