Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Bombay Bicycle Club - Flaws

Release Date - July 12, 2010 - Which means if you haven't checked this out, you're late, so get on that.

Have you ever listened to a cover of a song from one of your favorite artists and not hated it? I hadn't, until I heard Bombay Bicycle Club's take on Joanna Newsom's "Swansea," and miraculously refrained from tearing it apart. In fact, I even enjoyed it, and welcomed the refreshing take on one of Newsom's earlier beauties, despite the fact that BBC only included two of the original's lovely verses (and a weird pronunciation of detrain/detwain?). I did miss some of the quirky lyrics that led me to love Swansea in the first place, but BBC didn't refrain from incorporating quirky vocals via frontman Jack Steadman. I would say that the vocals are an homage to Joanna, but listening through the rest of the album leads me to conclude that it's his natural voice.


The rest of the record is more folky-acoustic-weirdness condensed into a truly beautiful compilation. "Ivy and Gold" really makes me wish I could whistle, "My God" almost makes me wish I believed in one (ALMOST), and "Flaws" creates a stunning world where actual flaws aren't uncomfortable, embarrassing, or burdensome. Or at least they don't sound so bad when Steadman is singing about them. And the harmonies, OH MY, the HARMONIES. So gorgeous.

Folk-Rock Rave? I would.


  1. Nice insight on them, I just discovered them little over a week ago because they're playing a gig here on the 20th. Hadn't ever heard of this album/ep until now. I'll go check it out!

    P.S. You should check Diane Birch sometime, I think you'll quite like her.

  2. Thanks for the input, and for reading :) Are you planning to see them?

    Tonight's a slow night, I think I'll YouTube Diane Birch.

  3. Diane Birch has Cat Power hair, so I liked her immediately. Her music is tasty, too. Thanks for the rec!
